Sound Recording and Music Technology

Sound Recording and Music Technology

  • Degree Type Degree
  • Program outcomesEnter the workforce
  • Area of StudyCreative Arts
  • Total Credit Hours62

设置一个课程,一个令人兴奋的职业生涯在音乐行业与副学士学位 蒙哥马利县社区学院录音和音乐技术专业. Montco在音频教育方面树立了一个新的标准,通过提供实践学习 最先进的录音和现场声音技术.

The Montco Advantage

师从多白金奖、格莱美奖提名的优秀教师 工程师兼制片人大卫·艾佛里,以及他挑选的获奖团队 专业的讲师,您将获得全面的录音背景, 音乐制作和音乐技术可与音乐学院前两年相媲美 or other universities. 目前我们所有的老师都是音乐方面的专业人士 和娱乐行业,从而为我们的学生提供了惊人的机会 through the instructors’ current contacts.

课程在蓝铃和波茨敦校区举行,采用最先进的录音技术 工作室,计算机实验室和各种混音控制台设计给学生的经验 在混合控制台找到的类型的专业工作室,他们可能会在工作后 graduation. The Blue Bell campus hosts a new, cutting-edge, professional mixing suite 使用广受欢迎的固态逻辑SSL 9000k 56输入控制台以及 最新的杜比全景声混音在我们的Genelec 7.1.4 system. The SRT courses provide hands-on exposure in all aspects of recording.

Learn from Experience

Curious as to where your career can go? The SRT and MSP programs host Master Classes 行业专业人士参观校园谈论职业选择,他们如何 成为成功人士,以及学生如何在音乐行业取得成功. Thanks 对于在这个项目中获得的实际的、真实的经验,你将能够 毕业后利用你的技能在唱片行业找一份入门级的工作. 你也可以转到四年制大学继续学习.

Dolby Atmos

杜比全景声是环绕声技术中最重要的发展之一 over the past decade. 作为一种新的面向对象的音频格式,Atmos给电影导演, 音频工程师,现在音乐艺术家(有了苹果音乐的空间音频)的能力 在声音的表现中增加一种“高度”或“高度”的感觉. Compared 到传统环绕声系统的左边,右边,中间,侧面和后面 扬声器安排在你周围的两个维度环绕,杜比全景声的高度 扬声器为你的声场添加了第三维的头顶声音. Now you can listen to music as if you are actually on stage. Learn Atmos mixing as well as the finest stereo mixing in the SRT Program.


新装修的剧院为学生提供了真实世界的学习体验. 他们将录制视频以及录制和混合音频表演 这将在他们面试专业工作时产生影响. The theater 将为学生提供从事专业生产的宝贵机会, which is unique for a college.

Program outcomes
  • 整合唱片业,录音和音乐技术的知识和理论 into productions;
  • 使用专业的录音技术和工具进行录音、工程和编辑 音乐制作,以及构思,计划,写作,记录和编辑作品,项目 and production packages;
  • 创建一个专业的作品集,包括简历、简历、个人陈述等 promotional materials in both print and online;
  • 运用吉他或钢琴知识,音调和谐,以及听觉理论的表现 and through productions;
  • 运用术语、流程、程序和当前技术的实用知识 在唱片业和录音领域的入门级就业.
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Explore Careers


Program Curriculum

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General Education Requirements

ENG 101 English Composition II,W 3
Quantitative Reasoning Quantitative Reasoning Elective 3 - 4
Scientific Reasoning Scientific Reasoning Elective 3 - 4
CMS 110 or CMS 120 Speech Communication or Public SpeakingI,O 3
Cultural Awareness and Diversity Cultural Awareness and Diversity Elective 3

Major Requirements

Elective Discipline History* 3
ETP 110 Entrepreneurial EssentialsE 3
MUS 110 Music AppreciationA 3
MUS 140 Introduction to Digital Music Technology++T 3
MUS 141 Digital Music Technology++T 3
MUS 150 or MUS 170 Guitar Class I or Piano Class I++ 1
MUS 240 The Art and Business of Songwriting++ 3
MUS 241 The Business of Music++ 3
SRT 104 Introduction to Sound Recording TechnologyT 3
SRT 159 Introduction to Music Production 3
SRT 250 Sound Recording Technology IT 3
SRT 256 Sound Recording Technology IIT 3
SRT 259 Music Production 3
SRT 297 Sound Recording and Music Technology Internship 3
SRT 290 Sound Recording and Music Technology Capstone 1
SRT or MUS Elective SRT or MUS Elective 3
SRT 130 or SRT 131 SRT软件工作坊I或现场录音和强化I 1
SRT 230 or SRT 231 SRT软件工作坊II或现场录音和强化II 1

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Full-time sample course schedule

Semester 1

Course ID Title Credits
SRT or MUS Elective SRT or MUS Elective1 3
MUS 110 Music Appreciation 3
SRT 104 Introduction to Sound Recording Technology 3
MUS 140* Introduction to Digital Music Technology* 3
ENG 101 English Composition I 3
MUS 150* or MUS 170* Guitar Class I* or Piano Class I* 1

Semester 2

Course ID Title Credits
SRT 250 Sound Recording Technology1 3
MUS 141* Digital Music Technology* 3
MSP 213, SRT 214 or MUS-111 摇滚,广播和唱片工业,录音的演变 or Popular Music in America 3
Quantitative Reasoning Any Quantitative Reasoning Elective 3-4
ETP 110 Entrepreneurial Essentials 3
SRT 130 or SRT 131 SRT软件工作坊I或现场录音和加固工作坊I 1

Semester 3

Course ID Title Credits
SRT 256 Sound Recording Technology2 3
SRT 159 Introduction to Music Production 3
MUS 241* The Business of Music* 3
Scientific Reasoning Any Scientific Reasoning Elective 3-4
CMS 110 or CMS 120 语言交流或公共演讲导论 3

Semester 4

Course ID Title Credits
SRT 259 Music Production 3
SRT 297 Sound Recording and Music Technology Internship 3
SRT 290 Sound Recording and Music Technology Capstone 1
MUS 240* The Art and Business of Songwriting* 3
Cultural Awareness and Diversity Any Cultural Awareness and Diversity Elective 3
SRT 230 or SRT 231 SRT软件工作坊II或现场录音和加固工作坊II 1

Part-time sample course schedule

Semester 1

Course ID Title Credits
SRT or MUS Elective SRT or MUS Elective1 3
Quantitative Reasoning Any Quantitative Reasoning Elective 3-4

Semester 2

Course ID Title Credits
SRT 104 Introduction to Sound Recording Technology 3
ENG 101 English Composition I 3
MUS 150* or MUS 170* Guitar Class I* or Piano Class I* 1

Semester 3

Course ID Title Credits
CMS 110 or CMS 120 语言交流或公共演讲导论 3
MUS 110 Music Appreciation 3

Semester 4

Course ID Title Credits
SRT 250 Sound Recording Technology1 3
MUS 140* Introduction to Digital Music Technology* 3
MSP 213, SRT 214 or MUS-111 摇滚,广播和唱片工业,录音的演变 or Popular Music in America 3

Semester 5

Course ID Title Credits
MUS 141* Digital Music Technology* 3
SRT 159 Introduction to Music Production 3
SRT 130 or SRT 131 SRT软件工作坊I或现场录音和加固工作坊I 1

Semester 6

Course ID Title Credits
Scientific Reasoning  Any Scientific Reasoning Elective 3-4
ETP 110 Entrepreneurial Essentials 3

Semester 7

Course ID Title Credits
SRT 256 Sound Recording Technology2 3
MUS 241* The Business of Music* 3
MUS 240* The Art and Business of Songwriting* 3

Semester 8

Course ID Title Credits
SRT 259 Music Production 3
SRT 230 or SRT 231 SRT软件工作坊II或现场录音和加固工作坊II 1
SRT 290 Sound Recording and Music Technology Capstone 1

Semester 9

Course ID Title Credits
Cultural Awareness and Diversity  Any Cultural Awareness and Diversity Elective 3

*Choose One for Discipline History Elective
MSP 213摇滚,广播和唱片业,srt214的演变 录音技术,或MUS 111美国流行音乐(1900年至今)

**Choose One for Workshop Elective
SRT 130软件车间I或SRT 131现场录音和加固车间 I

*** Choose One for Workshop Elective
SRT 230 SRT软件工作坊II或SRT 231现场录音和加固 Workshop II

++所有学生必须通过基础音乐水平测试或参加MUS 120(基础),然后再参加任何标有++的课程.

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